
Showing posts from April, 2021
“We do hereby dedicate this Land, and ourselves, to reach the People within these shores with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to raise up Godly generations after us, and with these generations take the Kingdom of God to all the earth. May this Covenant of Dedication remain to all generations, as long as this earth remains, and may this Land, along with England, be Evangelist to the World. May all who see this Cross, remember what we have done here, and may those who come here to inhabit join us in this Covenant and in this most noble work that the Holy Scriptures may be fulfilled.” Rev. Robert Hunt dedicates America to God, at Cape Henry, in 1607, for the purpose of...Matthew 24:14... It is God who made America great... but His view of greatness is polar opposite to ours...And His purposes for a nation, so much higher.  So what is America’s purpose under God? ... The Lord showed me, first and foremost, that it is this:...  “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout t

Through Heaven’s Eyes

This clip from Moses Prince of Egypt and the accompanying prophesy is a word from God, to the Church in any nation that reads all of especially the church in the U.S.A.... and the UK: When I looked, I saw Britain...through Heaven’s eyes!🇬🇧...The spirit of the nation was still there...and had not changed (that same spirit of WWII and before)... but the Face of the nation was what I can only describe as was battle scared, but not battle worn...It was was was unified:  It was the Body of Christ in the nation of Britain. “Look At Your Life Through Heaven’s Eyes” “Pray My people...humble yourselves and pray. For I Am birthing a culture of HONOR in My Body:  Not an honor for big ministries and big names...not the Tower of Babel that this world is building...but honor for one another...from the least to the greatest... That you would see yourselves and one another through MY EYES...One Body...many MANY diverse pa
 In the movie “Hoosiers” a school basketball coach (Gene Hackman) teaches his raw and undisciplined basketball team the true meaning of the word “Team”. How? By breaking them down... right to the foundations...only to build them back up - all the Way from the bottom. It was a hard lesson to learn - a lesson in patience and humility - if you will, a pressure test on an individual’s heart. Some games in the season were lost - and badly, as each individual in the team learned to look not only to their own ability, but to the ability of the man next to him. The movie climaxes as predicted, with a great victory for the team- but it was a victory that came through pressure and humbling...and one that could never have come, had the boys not learned to see themselves as one unit... And this is exactly what God is teaching us His Church in this season. Jesus will not come back to a one- man show; He will not return to an elitist club, nor the “select few”: He will return for an Ekklesia - a gat
 #FastForFamily day6  #2Chronicles714 Excerpt from 5/25/2020 “I hear so much about, revival: eg: a revival among the youth, has been prophesied for years...But my heart is this:  What if:  The Spirit of Elijah- where the hearts of the older generations will be turned toward the younger; specifically the hearts of the fathers to the children, moved again in the Church? “What if God would instigate a revival that would actually UNITE generations instead of dividing them; young, old, and everyone in between (so it would not be accredited to any specific age group)- not accredited to us at all? (5/25/20) Kim Clement 2013 “I’m hearing so many different sounds that I’ve never heard before: the elderly and the amalgamation of the two voices: An old voice and a young voice...And it’s together...there is no age in the sound. It was not wicked- it was beautiful. The hearts of the fathers back to the sons...the Spirit of Elijah, that is coming upon the we have never se
Excerpt from12/25/2020  “They came up (from the tomb) as an Army (Ex12:51), fully equipped with the armor of God, but something in particular, struck me as significant: The church that came up from the tomb was, if you will, nameless and faceless.   …I saw the faces of people I knew - and people I didn’t…from every generation, nationality, tribe and tongue. Each saint was robed completely in humility and their faces were covered by the helmet of Salvation. (These garments alone seemed to protect them from everything of this world). Everywhere they moved, they brought shafts of Light into the midst of deep darkness; everywhere they were, the blood of Jesus was right there with them. ...because when He arose from the grave, He brought His Church with Him; as He abandoned His grave clothes, so have we.(Col.2:12-13; 1Pet1:23)... ...and as I watched this movie clip, it wasn’t only The Lord abandoning the grave clothes and stepping out of the tomb - it was the Body of Christ. Ephesians 5:14
 “The danger and deception across the nations is great: but a truly greater danger and deception to the nations and my Church is this: Genesis 11:3-4; forced and manufactured “revival” (in My Name, but for man’s glory). For this reason I Am allowing the earth to be shaken; and I also  will not remove the flame from you My beloved that what I Am about to do in My Church, I alone WILL do, with My own Hand - and far beyond the reach of any human one” (Isaiah 55:6-9).  I must walk before You surrendered and obedient; For will you be truly lifted up in your church, as long as there is any other high thing in it? How will this great awakening not go the same way as all the others have gone before, unless we Your Church learn to keep our hands off it?... Therefore He will not remove the flame from under us...He will continue to put us through the Olive humble break us...until we realize that we are One Body...that we have only ONE Head - under whom everything must
 My country is in lockdown🇬🇧: So, for the first time, in possibly centuries, there were no church bells that rang out across the cities for Resurrection Sunday; there were no Church gatherings; no sunrise services:  BUT... ...there was a remnant of God’s people, who awoke to praise God that morning... ~Who saw the Hand of God as the sun arose, which seemed to bathe the Land in a warm and golden glow... ~Who heard the voice of God in the dawn song of the birds as they literally lifted their praises to Him. Thank you to Dagma “Dagi” Truman (intercessior for Great Britain) who had her own Sunrise Service that morning...and has given testimony to which we know that God is not done with our nation...with any nation where there is a remnant! ***For even if everyone is silenced; if no one praises Him, nature will...and it did! The rocks and stones will cry out, if need be! This is why I will not stop believing God for one last global outpouring... I matter how hard I t