The Apostle

Jan 5 2021 The role of a functioning Apostle… In it’s truest and most literal sense, one who is “Sent” by the Lord…For what purpose? The Bible clearly shows us, for the purpose of delivering the Gospel to a people who have not yet heard, with signs and wonders accompanying; leading to the planting and overseeing of churches. (I have seen this for myself as a missionary to Kenya and I know it to be true) The Lord will always watch over the truth of His Word to perform it. (Jer. 1:12) The first Apostles, having seen Jesus face to face (1Cor9:1), were the very first to do this, paving the way, in life and in death, for other missionaries (or “lesser apostles”, if you like) to follow in their footsteps: Some were given the privilege of writing, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the (closed cannon) New Testament. As Jesus’s first followers, this was their right and their privilege: to suffer and to die for Him and with Him (Gal.2:20) The heart of an Apostle… 2Cor11:23-29 “Are they se...