Why did things happen the way they did on November 2020? The only answer I ever received in my spirit, (even before the votes were finalized), was that the “red carpet” celebrity culture that is pervading the Body of Christ; the pride coming from certain pulpits; and the presumption coming from certain ones in the prophetic movement, is why we are now being disciplined. In John ch 1:19-23 John the Baptist, just like Jesus in Luke 9:18-21; 30:1-8, will not disclose any information about who he really is - except that he is not the Messiah...He needs no endorsement from man because, like every prophet who came before him, and like Jesus Christ Himself, he received his calling and endorsement directly from the LORD, and was answerable to no one else. See Matt 3:12-17; John2:23-25. But this is not so with prophets under the New Covenant: Now prophets are supposed to live and function as part of a community - the Body of Christ; where “as each part does its OWN specia...