This is a word that was both inspired and confirmed by Jeremiah Johnson:  Its an issue that has been on my heart for a long time - but he says it SO much better than I am attempting to do:

“Together, we are His house, built on the foundation (the Logos/the Scriptures) of the apostles (New Covenant) and the prophets (Old Covenant). And the cornerstone is Christ Jesus himself” (The Logos/The Word-John1:1). Ephesians 2:20

So what is the difference between an Old and New Covenant prophet?

Old Covenant - before the cross

Hebrews 1:1 Long ago, at many times and in many ways, God spoke to our fathers by the prophets...

Exodus 7:1 Then the LORD said to Moses, "See, I have made you like God to Pharaoh, and your brother Aaron will be your prophet.

Jeremiah heed the words of My servants the prophets whom I sent to you... 20:20(b) Believe in the Lord your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper.

New Covenant - after the cross

Hebrews 1:2 but in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son...

1Tim2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus...

1Cor 14:29 Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others JUDGE.

1Thess5:19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but TEST them all; hold on to what is good.

So the Old Covenant prophet was the ONLY voice of God; the final authority of God; the ONLY one being face to face with God.

But now, under the New Covenant we can ALL come boldly before the Lord; it is the Father’s desire that we ALL speak with Him face to face.

Old Covenant prophets were set apart by God from the rest of the community and had a tendency to function in isolation; often running entirely alone...Because they spoke the truth, they were frequently persecuted. (Eg: Jeremiah 38:1-6)

New Covenant prophets are required to operate as part of a community (a Body of believers who are ALL set apart by God) or - as Jeremiah Johnson has so beautifully put it - a family. (Ephesians 4:11-16)

Old Covenant prophets were known because of the pin-point accuracy of their prophesies; anyone prophesying falsely was deemed not from God and put to death. (Deut18:20-22); This is why these prophets of God were commissioned through a face-to-face encounter with Him - that changed them forever! They could not afford to get it wrong!

(See Isaiah 6; Jeremiah 1:4-19; Ezekiel 1 & 2)

This is possibly why the prophet Jonah became angry with God - See Jonah 4:2-3

Under the New Covenant, prophets operate as part of the “five-fold ministry” within a community of believers, under which, as fellow servants of Christ, they are subject. 

They share the same blessings of intimacy with God that are available to all believers -they are not above everyone else, but are in the service of Christ, for the service of His Body.

Unlike Old Covenant prophets, their words must be tested by other believers (specifically leaders, elders and others within the five-fold ministry - they are not without accountability); We can therefore assume that New Covenant prophets will not always get it right...but there is no death penalty for getting it wrong! 


Under the Old Covenant, the Words of many prophets were so inspired by God, that they have been kept by the Spirit for us today, in a closed cannon of scripture - the Bible. (1Peter1:10-12)

Under the New Covenant, following the final “Revelation of Jesus Christ” given to the Apostle John, no ‘prophet’, ‘apostle’ or anyone else, can add to or re-write the Bible. (Rev22:18-20)

Under the Old Covenant the prophet was the ONLY voice of God...

Under the New Covenant, someone may be called by God as a prophet, but that does not mean that they are the only voice of God: Because now, through His Word and His Spirit, we can all hear the voice of God... and be the voice of God to others. (1Cor14:1-5)

Because we are an army... a Body...a Family: no one more important in the eyes of God, than the other, there can be no celebrities in the Body of Christ. But this is where we have gone terribly wrong...and this is why we need to repent.🇺🇸 Red-carpet Christianity is a monster that we have created - Ex 20:1-4. (1Cor3:3-7)

I will say nothing else except for this: I have heard the angry defense of those who, over these last few months have spoken presumptuously in His Name, claiming “WE have seen the face of God...WE have heard from God!”

But please hear what God has put on my heart, from John 20:29:

Then Jesus told him (Thomas), “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.”


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