The Crucifixion

 Part III  The Fire…The Church Crucified 

{At 10min 24sec}

The tone…the chords of Kim’s keyboard seemed to change: I saw Fire…I felt heat…And I saw the Church…with her back against the wall…

and her heart against the Cross…

she began to cry out to God: 

Not cries as we have done before, but these were cries of absolute desperation: An awakening…to realize that it is either Jesus Christ or nothing at all. 

I heard grandparents praying for children…tears flowed like a river, from years and years of prayer…Upon the altar, years and years of prayers came up as incense before the Lord, spanning decades. 

Men..fathers...grandfathers...husbands crying out to God...and the smoke of the incense was filling the throne room:

Around the Cross were scores of people: Men especially, seemed to come from everywhere…some running, some bent almost double with weeping…some were crouched over as if covering their families: Whole families were embracing the Cross…in the midst of the Fire…together!

I saw the Earth as if from above: fires were burning in every continent…I remember Russia, India, the furthest Islands of the sea

The remnant from every nation were clinging - cleaving to the cross of Christ- and to one another. I could hear the cries in every language as the Fire of God compelled them - pressed them into crucifixion and burned away the dross. And as it did, the hunger for God and His holiness increased.

 I saw a manifestation of Psalm 133. I heard the cries from many who were embracing the cross…the harder they embraced, the closer they got to the Lord…and the more their flesh began to burn.

Many were embracing the Cross at this hour…for in this hour was a great shaking down, of all high and lofty things…for many high towers, of “Self Actualization” and selfish ambition have been built in the House of God: these are directly opposed to the purpose  of the Cross - and are detestable to God.

For it is at this hour that every pre-conceived notion about “revival” - that it is anything to do with us - will burn: every platform, every high thing in the body of Christ will be exposed at this time and the conviction of the Holy Spirit will hit the Church…

There were deep cries of repentance…great heaving sobs: The Lord will cut many to the heart: 

Many great and beautiful houses, so loved and worshipped by His Church, will be brought down to the ground by the Lord in His great discipline - because they have been built, not for His glory, but man’s…

Many others will be abandoned as people under conviction, run to the mercy of the Cross: 

And it is here at the Cross, that the Lord will raise up the very humblest of the humble! 

Here, He will use those seen as weak and foolish in His Church, to gently and firmly shame those who think they are wise: Many (especially in the West) will be utterly shocked, taken aback and even offended by this. 

And a Great reverential fear will come upon the Body of Christ…as we truly understand Proverbs 9:10.

This was the Church of Galatians 2:20…the hour of our death…the hour of crucifixion (I believe 2020 was the beginning stage of this)

It was bitter, but it was so, so sweet: As I listened to notes floating from Kim Clement’s keyboard, I realized the great mercy of God, in the midst of a refining fire of discipline…indeed, He disciplines us , to refine us…and He refines us because He LOVES us! I realized that every true disciple of Jesus was going to have to face the flame…that in this last outpouring, we would ALL (in every nation) have to choose: 

And for those who choose LIFE (to love not their own lives but His) we are going through…and together…but we will not be the same when we come out the other side! Because the only Way through, is to cling to the Cross with all that we are…and to do that means we cannot hold on to anything else. Revival is not going to look the way we have imagined…

For more on humility and repentance visit:

Kim Clement: I’m hearing the Lord say over and over; they thought they had My Presence…but My Presence is about to engulf the Earth…as waters cover the sea: The Presence that will bring about a mysterious influence…that will draw fish to your nets…so that your nets begin to break.”

This has only ever been about Christ…Him crucified…Him glorified: It has never been about us…our own efforts to generate revival… 

But, only when we lay the things we value down, will we realize: 

They are either much safer in the Hands of the Lord; 


They weren’t worth anything anyway!

{At 11min 50sec} 

This all seemed to climax with Kim Clement’s prophetic declaration: “Yes! There it is…there’s a flame! 

Then it was quiet and still…our moment of burial with Christ.

But the Lord again reminded me…after crucifixion will come resurrection…after the fire will come the rain. 

To be continued…

Video: curtesy of Donne Clement Petruska


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