Part IV The Church Resurrected

 Part IV The Rain…The Church Resurrected 

{At 12min 15sec} 

I saw the heavens begin opening…the rains began to fall: And it was as if I also saw tombs opening up: We arose up from the ground…We came up, as if, from out of a tomb.

{At 12min 26sec}

I watched as whole families were taken up and like lightning, disappeared into the Body of Christ...nameless and faceless...each part began to immediately function as one... taking a unique place...I saw as if a natural body, organs, muscles, bone...we all had a place, and like lightning, with extreme order and precision (like an Army) we all took it…through the Fire, we had learned how to kneel.

I did not see the Lord - only his feet: But at his appearance the entire Remnant Army, as one man, fell on their faces and began to worship the Lord - with a sound of unity that made the ground beneath them shake.

Kim Clement: “PRAY!”

We stood up in Christ…

{At 13min 18sec}

The church stood on her feet - a mighty army. She was a warrior bride… men, women, children… old men dreaming dreams, young men seeing visions and maidens and handmaidens baptized in the Spirit.  I saw families being re-united: estranged husbands/fathers returning to the households, and vise-versa. 

Immediately a wave…a tower of darkness stood up to meet her in battle…and there was what I can only describe as a great collision…Light collided head on with darkness, with an incredible force. This became a series of collisions…darkness collided with Light again and again…and the darkness was being driven back. And I saw the blood of  martyrs being spilled. 

I saw the blood of Jesus flowing down into the deepest and darkest of places - places that most of us do not understand - and unlocking prison doors: These are salvations that will be totally beyond our capabilities- a complete sovereign move of the Lord - a display of the depth of His heart for humanity, and His incredible might to seek and save the lost.

Kim Clement: PRAY!…Can’t say it enough!”

{At 13min 40sec}

I watched strongholds crash down, and the earth beneath began to breathe and heave as the sons of God were revealed. The nations were gasping, breathing, because chains were being broken; immovable obstacles were being moved; Great geysers of white water erupted out of the ground…I heard the crash as the huge caps that had held them back, were literally blasted upwards. At the same time, I watched wave upon wave of angels battling in the heavenly realms, clearing the skies.

Kim Clement: “PRAY!”

{14 min}

I can’t describe except the flames were rushing one way - and The Body of Christ was moving - walking straight through them - the opposite way, like salmons going up stream. Chains were being broken everywhere- I heard the voices of freedom, from those who had never known it - the voices of little children and teenagers-

Kim Clement: “Lift holy hands everybody; PRAY!

{At 14min 20sec}

 I saw the disciples of Yeshua, go like shafts of light, into the deepest darkest places…places from which they themselves had been rescued…to the untouchables of the world. At the same time, many who were of high rank (Government officials) were also compelled to come in. I saw the glory of God hovering over Buckingham Palace. Fearful and wonderful…

 I saw great ancient doors being opened over regions and nations**, that had for centuries, been shut fast. People of different tribes  and tongues started running through them…a trickle at first, then as the Light of Christ began to permeate these areas, the trickle became a deluge..The continent of Africa ran red with the Blood of Jesus. I saw Russia, India and the Middle East. They were turning in total repentance… abandoning everything else. At least 2 major religions were knocked, as if sideways…their tyrant-masters overpowered, as people started rushing toward the Door that is Christ and streaming through it. (John 10:7)…And I saw the blood of martyrs flowing…

                        Revelation 6:9-11

Then one final surge… “Last Call”

Kim Clement: “Everybody SHOUT!…there’s a victory!…Shout and clap your hands!”

{At 14min 40sec}

This one final surge against the darkness…God’s “Last Call”…seemed to penetrate everywhere…people started rushing from all over…every tribe and people…even unto the farthest islands of the sea…through the Door that is Christ…and which I now saw, was being held open by His Church. I knew at this point, that time was short…but I was also reminded of the One who holds time in His Hands!

To my natural eyes, it looked chaotic…

But it was glorious!…

It was overwhelmingly powerful…

It was Salvation…to the ends of the Earth! 

It was a raging fire that at this point could not be stopped… 

It was also a great rushing river, bursting through streets and neighborhoods.

I now saw that even the mightiest of strongholds could no longer stand before it, and came crashing down…and still more and more…people were rushing towards The Door…still the blood of martyrs was flowing.  

I watched Great Britain spontaneously combust - from shore to shore. 

Europe was on spread fast.. it spread wide... to every corner of the earth... to every tribe and tongue. 

The blood of martyrs was continuing to flow…it was not stopping revival - it was increasing it!

I cannot say how close to home the blood of martyrs will be spilled, but I believe that, in the western churches, our metal is going to be tested: revival will not spread without this.

In the natural, the gathering on Mt Carmel was over so quickly…but, what was happening in the supernatural, seemed to go on and on…

Video: curtesy of Donne Clement Petruska

For other similar prophecies visit:


**The ancient doors over regions: 

I do not believe these opened because of our prayer strategies, our Awakening Conferences or any efforts made by us to open them: 

They opened because we abandoned our own efforts, humbled ourselves and, in our weaknesses, 

embraced the Cross of Christ. It is only through denying ourselves and taking up our Cross, that the love, the power, the unity, that we so desperately desire in the Church, will be made manifest…and the only way that we (especially in the westernized nations) will take up our Cross, and not put it down again…is through the continual pressure of persecution.

I have not seen this vision only once, but it has been confirmed to me many times, and in many diverse ways. I am a student of The Word, and do not believe in extra-biblical revelation: This is why I believe that what I was  seeing, was from Revelation 7:9-17…which marks the passing of the baton, from Gentile back to Jew.  Although there was a significant number of Jews in this assembly, I believe that this vision is The Lord’s “Final Call” to the gentile nations, before the time of Israel’s refining -Jacob’s trouble - begins (Daniel 9:27). There is nowhere else in the Bible that supports revival on such a massive scale…and nowhere else that points to a revival that will not end, until God Himself ends it!

I was not shown the time period of this revival; what I do know is, that dark tsunamis…wave upon wave…seemed to cover the Earth: People were paralyzed with fear: this was a time of intense pressure and deep darkness…

Where the Light of Christ in His Church was able to shine to its maximum…and where people on mass, were no longer afraid to abandon their own religions…to risk their own lives…that they may receive His Life…because, for those who had ears to hear…there was nothing left…there was nothing else: Only Christ and Him crucified!

After this many of his disciples turned back and no longer walked with him. 

So Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you want to go away as well?”

Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life, (John 6:66-68)

And he said to me, “These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. (Rev7:14)


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