America’s Most Dangerous Export

I saw a swamp of deception: It reminded me Jesus’s temptation in the wilderness - the place where satan would try to force God’s hand: to Prove himself as the Messiah of the second coming (Revelation 19:11-22) - before He had fulfilled the first (it is finished) - the Salvation of the world. 

The same thing is happening today: People are chasing the glory of the second coming - without embracing the Cross (the penitence) of the first. 

I appealed to the Lord “It seems that so many of us don’t want to Repent - we want to ‘party’…We don’t want to lament and fast - we want to feast and celebrate…And it seems we will follow any TV/internet personality who will give us what we want. But surely repentance is the ONLY way we will see revival.

We even seem to have our own plan as to what revival will look like. Big gatherings - big platforms - Even our revival meetings seem to be about us…how is God going to use US: Does God exist for us? - or do we exist for God?

Dominionism says “we must take hold and possess this world”…The Way of the Cross says let go…abandon the things of this world- lay down “you” - and lay ahold of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom- then whatever His Will, we will possess.

With every awakening…every revival of the past, the Lord has been trying to get our attention…calling to us - not to rebuild…but to repent! 

He is still calling…

Read Joel ch. 2 

If we are to call a solon assembly it must be because we  - the Church - truly recognize that the way we are headed as the Church: pursuing wealth, influence, fine things - everything that is connected to the American Dream - is wrong. And we are leading - not only believers in other nations - but also unbelievers down that same path.    

5/5/21 Church is not supposed to look like a pyramid- big names at the top, forming their elitist clubs and looking out for each other’s power and wealth…

with everyone else at the bottom, many of whom are making them both powerful and wealthy…church is not supposed to be a reflection of  Free Masonry…or some glorified Ponzi scheme: 

Church is supposed to look like a community…a Body- with Christ as the only Head…where we all need each other in order to properly function. When we don’t function like this, is when the Body gets sick.

We are supposed to look to Christ and His Word FIRST…not to the latest word from the “prophet” or the newest revelation from the “apostle”. This is a form of idolatry and is causing a sinful stain in the Body of Christ. 

This has been weighing on my spirit for a very long time…a Tower of Babel has been inadvertently built in God’s House…largely through the elitist and worldly practices of what has been coined the New Apostolic Reformation*;

Through man-made institutions like the Coalition of Apostles^. 

And through the ideals of the shockingly prideful, Seven Mountain Mandate**…which comes so close to the ideals of the Antichrist system that it boarders on heresy!

However genuine their beginnings, these “new movements” have become monuments of pride to the glory of man:

They have erected a pyramid-like hierarchy right here, in the House of God…and these so called apostles, prophets and pastors of mega churches have placed themselves on the top: assuming a “divine” authority and claiming to have exclusive and extra-biblical knowledge of the things of God, is exactly what the Church is warned about, throughout the New Testament. And to place this “new revelation” higher than the Word of God is a form of Gnosticism.

The Anointing of the Holy Spirit cannot be monopolized…nor can it be bought.

And, however sincere these people may be…

they are sincerely wrong…

because they are biblically wrong! 

To repackage the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the promise of worldly wealth and power, is to bring forth a False Gospel, going against everything that Christ and His Apostles taught…and 180 degrees polar opposite to how they lived! 

This is one of America’s most dangerous exports to the global Church…it is bringing a terrible reproach on the Name of the Lord throughout the nations…it is causing many to fall away…and if unchecked, it will cause still more, to fall straight into the clutches of the Antichrist world system.

And still…” if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land. (2Chronicles7:14)

*A descriptive term used for those believing in the restoration of apostles and prophets, first used by C.Peter Wagner.

^An actual coalition started by Peter Wagner 

**Stemming out of dominion theology: Before Christ can return, His Church must take dominion over the seven major spheres of influence in society. 



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