The Keys

 The keys πŸ—πŸ”‘

Isaiah 42

“I am the Lord; I have called you in righteousness; I will take you by the hand and keep you; I will give you as a covenant for the people, a light for the nations,

to open the eyes that are blind, to bring out the prisoners from the dungeon, from the prison those who sit in darkness

The stairs were dark...except for the Light of the Lord, as He stood at the top. We, the saints of God were with Him. 

And I could hear: It was the sound of deep groans, cries, screams of despair and hopelessness, coming from below. And I heard the Lord say one Word: “Keys”

As I watched, the saints of God who were with Him, each took the keys of the Kingdom given to them by Jesus Christ and began to descend the stairs into the darkness. 

Each saint as they went, was shrouded almost to invisibility, by the Blood of Jesus and the Light of His countenance, which emanated from them. Some of them went three or four levels the deepest, darkest places, according to the depth from which they had themselves been brought out by the Lord. 

I could see the scars of battle on these saints that went down, now fully healed and, as if painted gold: It seemed that the deeper the scars, the deeper those saints who bore them were able to go down. And the Lord showed me “He who has been forgiven much, loves much.” (Luke 7:40-47). See also Luke 22:31-32 & 2Corinthians 1:3-4

And I saw the prisons: It was dark...a vile and thoroughly evil place. But a s the servants of Christ arrived, they brought shafts of Light with them - and I could see hands reaching out through the bars of their prisons, suddenly desperate for Jesus: I was seeing the saints...but these desperate people were seeing (through the saints) Jesus Christ Himself. This is what the end times Church is going to look like...

And it was not a small localized thing...this was on mass: I believe, the global awakening as described in Revelation 7:9-17.

(Isaiah 42:1-7; Psalm 102:18-22). 

And I saw these Saints penetrating the darkness - with such  love and compassion like I have never, ever seen: this was the Love of John 15:12-13 

Those who sat chained in this darkness cowered away at first…their cries and screams increasing: They were afraid of the Light of Truth; but the Saints of God persisted toward them. And then came Love…the Love that is shaped like a cross  - I heard the cries and screams breaking down to become sobs, as the Light and Love of the Lord emanating from the Saints literally smote and enveloped them: and I saw - and heard - great heavy chains begin to break, all around me…from literally everywhere!  

Then the best part. The prison cells were unlocked (Isaiah 42:1-7; Psalm 102:18-22).                                                 ...I remember the cries..both before they were set free...and afterwards... I am weeping because I can describe nether one...

All I know is whatever trial and tribulation we are going through right now, keep doing exactly that...Keep going through with Christ: GO THE DISTANCE! Because God has put people all along the road you’re traveling, who need what God is doing in you! We must walk even through the valley of the shadow of death...Why? Because in Christ, we are bringing Life.

“Long my imprisoned spirit lay,Fast bound in sin and nature's nightThine eye diffused a quickening rayI woke, the dungeon flamed with lightMy chains fell off, my heart was freeI rose, went forth, and followed Thee…”                     Charles Wesley: Amazing Love 

***Why did I not see Jesus descend? ...Because He has already descended - even to the lowest parts of the earth (Eph4:8-9)...

He already holds the keys of death. He IS the Resurrection and the Life. (John11:25) He is the One who does the resurrecting…When He speaks (vs43) they will “come forth”...

And what does He require of us? (See John11:39 & 44) ”roll away the stone”... “unbind him and let him go”

So Jesus does in fact, descend...but this time, it is in His Church:  Those saints of God who went down, were very VERY far from being alone...absolutely the opposite! ...and whenever and to wherever He sends us, it will be with His presence and His authority!***

I can say nothing else except this: Jesus Christ is building up a Church who will look like Him; God is raising up a Body who will be UNABLE to function except under the One Head, Jesus Christ.

And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you. 1Peter 5:10

“I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” John16:33

#ArmyOfTheLord #revelation7vs9 #Matthew2414

To be continued...

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