The book of Revelation is centered entirely around two nations: the nation of Israel and the nation of Anti-christ (Mystery Babylon...or if you will, “the deep state”). So, to our nation - and to EVERY nation outside of Israel: press in to God; push to preach the gospel of the ETERNAL Kingdom, while we still have the freedom to do so, before our ‘kingdoms’ are no more. #watchmanonthewall #2Chronicles714 #FightTheGoodFight
The Crucifixion
Part III The Fire…The Church Crucified {At 10min 24sec} The tone…the chords of Kim’s keyboard seemed to change: I saw Fire…I felt heat…And I saw the Church…with her back against the wall… and her heart against the Cross… she began to cry out to God: Not cries as we have done before, but these were cries of absolute desperation: An awakening…to realize that it is either Jesus Christ or nothing at all. I heard grandparents praying for children…tears flowed like a river, from years and years of prayer…Upon the altar, years and years of prayers came up as incense before the Lord, spanning decades. Men..fathers...grandfathers...husbands crying out to God...and the smoke of the incense was filling the throne room: Around the Cross were scores of people: Men especially, seemed to come from everywhere…some running, some bent almost double with weeping…some were crouched over as if covering their families: Whole families were embracing the Cross…in the mids...
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