A call to arms - prayer and fasting:  For the Family!

(From a watchman on the wall)

I saw the end time Army of the Lord:

I saw families.... I saw men...husbands, fathers, grandfathers. 

Luke 1:17 and he will go before him in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the disobedient to the wisdom of the just, to make ready for the Lord a people prepared.”- This is true revival....

And specifically, I saw men; standing with their families, as heads over their households. This is God’s divine order, and has been from the beginning.

Excerpt from post Dec25 2020 “They came up as an army (Ex12:51), fully equipped with the armor of God, but something in particular, struck me as significant: The church that came up from the tomb was, if you will, nameless and faceless. Each saint was robed completely in humility and their faces were covered by the helmet of Salvation.” ....

I never included this when I initially wrote that post, but I’m saying it now: Their faces were covered but I saw...the people on the front lines of that army, leading the charge were men.

The heart of God is the family! I believe, even in the midst of all this, there WILL be a great awakening, and it will center greatly around FAMILIES (see Luke 1:18; also Isaiah 45:8)

Many of us know this...and Satan also knows it, and is also making preparations! 

This is why, for the next 40 days I will be fasting - for our families in the Church- and specifically for men - young and old; husbands and fathers (because if the pillars can be knocked out, the house will fall). I am inviting anyone who will, to join me.

I know it may seem that I am posting this at an extremely difficult time, but I believe what I am posting is a part of this battle. We see in part and prophesy in part - like pieces in a jigsaw. God will put the pieces together in His time and His order. This is the piece that I see.

To be continued...

#WatchmanOnTheWall #FastForFamily #PrayForTheNation #2Chronicles714

Image from: Shutterstock.com


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