“The outer wall may have been breached, but from within, a second wall is quietly and without fan-fair, being built up, brick upon brick, by the Hand of the Lord Himself...” (01/7/2021)

The key here is the words “without fan-fair” - and this is what the Western church must learn: We are not supposed to be a reflection of Hollywood, nor the Grammy Awards: There are no celebrities in the Body Of Christ ❣️✝️  In the New Testament, Paul, Peter and the other pillars of the church give us a clear picture of how church leadership is supposed to operate, in their writings and more importantly, in how they lived their lives: They were first and foremost, servants... and it is exactly because they were servants, that they were entrusted with such great authority from the Lord (Luke22:25-27). My deep concern is that in a time of great deception, the blood-bought Chuch of Christ Jesus is rapidly looking and functioning more and more like the world: it is getting harder and harder to tell the difference....and the world have recognized this!πŸ’” (Read Matt23)

Excerpt June14 2020:

“Oh My People; stop running - and stand fast!”- The burning is coming- right at the door: Why? So that every valley be raised up in the Church; and every mountain be brought low. But after the fire, will come the rain (1Kings18:36-44; Zechariah 10:1)

Excerpt May25 2020: There was some shock and confusion- as if “no one could have predicted this!” It was as if, in the Glory of God, we the Church had become a ‘flatline’ _______________   there were no peaks or troughs: We were as a “glassy sea” before the Throne. The  only thing lifted up was the Lord Himself. “I” & “Me” had become obsolete: No man was looked to - only Christ... we were hidden - and because we were hidden, we were One - in Him. Oh His Glory!!!

We are not the “club of hands” or the “society of eyes”...We are the Body of Christ. It seems unthinkable to me that western Christianity has developed an elitist structure that is almost an exact replica of this world...but it has!.....How can this possibly be pleasing to The Lord?πŸ’”  Therefore, He will continue to put us through the olive press until we realize...we have One Head, under whom every knee must bow; One Lord, to whom we are all indebted. How can we possibly follow or worship any other? πŸ’”πŸ™πŸ’”Ex20:1-6

“For if I - and ONLY I - am lifted up from the earth...THEN - and only then - will I draw all men unto Me.” (John12:32)

God forgive usπŸ’”πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ’” #2Chronicles714 #WatchmanOnTheWall


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