#FastForFamily day 9

 #ArmyOfTheLord #2Chronicles714

I ask for revival...do I know what I am asking for? 

When we picture revival, what do we see? Do we see big platforms, big arenas, the best worship bands, the cream of the apostles and prophets, the most charismatic of the preachers? ...

Or do we see pressure, squeezing, discomfort, humility, hidden, isolation, alienation, even persecution? (John 15:20 & 16:33)

Do we think “Mega-Church” or do we think “House-Church”?.....

The pattern of revival, from the early church onwards is always the latter: families, communities, house churches - often at certain points, going underground.  Furthermore, Church history shows us that it is only through the uncompromising resolve of everyday unknown people to preach the offense of the Gospel, that even the most ardent of enemies has been turned to Christ.  We need to stand as an army. In the face of what is coming, the prosperity gospel and seeker-sensitive movement will not stand. We cannot win them by becoming like them - not at the expense of Truth! The seven-mountain-mandate is both prideful and unbiblical, and likewise will not stand - (Matt6:19-20; 1Cor7:29-31; Rev 12:11; 13:7; 14:13)

Therefore God in His mercy, has -and will - scatter us; so that, with our backs further and further to the wall, we will seek Him more fervently then ever before....because the revival that I and others have seen is that of small- beginnings, Families, house- churches, un-sung saints, old and young, clothed in humility. 

I love the Church- I love America...and I write this with as much love and humility as is within me; and with a heart that is broken yet steadfast. Trial and tribulation is the pattern of revival; God cannot trust our prideful human nature with anything else. If we are truly to follow Him, we will be unpopular...an offense...because we will directly oppose the system of this world. And He will make no exception for the Church in America...because He loves us.

And when revival does come...if we should- as is our nature- attempt to regroup back into our mega-church comforts, God will scatter us again. Why? (Read Acts ch.12 onwards)...

Because revival is for everyone- and is supposed to be spread; this Gospel of the Kingdom must preached throughout the earth- even our little piece of it...

And as to how far God scatters us? It will not matter. It hurts, but it is not forever (2Cor4:16-18).  We are the Church...The Ekklesia...The Lord’s Assembly. As long as we remain in Him, we will be One in Him; and as long as we are One in Him, we are One in each other. (John15:9; John17:20-21)

God loves us - but He also loves the world (John 3:16; 2Peter3:9)...and wants to send us out into it. This is the reason for the season we are going through.

Image from: Shutterstock.com

                      Warner Christian Resources 


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