April 6 2021

“The danger and deception across the nations is great: but a truly greater danger and deception to the nations and my Church is this: Genesis 11:3-4; forced and manufactured “revival” (in My Name, but for man’s glory). For this reason I Am allowing the earth to be shaken; and I also  will not remove the flame from you My beloved Body...so that what I Am about to do in My Church, I alone WILL do, with My own Hand - and far beyond the reach of any human one” (Isaiah 55:6-9). 

I must walk before You surrendered and obedient; For will you be truly lifted up in your church, as long as there is any other high thing in it? How will this great awakening not go the same way as all the others have gone before, unless we Your Church learn to keep our hands off it?...

Therefore He will not remove the flame from under us...He will continue to put us through the Olive press...to humble us...to break us...until we realize that we are One Body...that we have only ONE Head - under whom everything must bow.

“The sound of Christ will beat down the politicians of Baal...And My People shall be baptized...with a Fire...with a Fire...WITH A FIRE’, says the Lord” (Kim Clement, Mt Carmel 2008)


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