The line between good and evil must again be defined: So why is God shaking everything that can be shaken? Why is He keeping the flame under the nations of the earth? Because the evil therein has to be exposed...the evil of communism...the evil of totalitarian states and radical religion...of anti-christ agendas, is and will continue to reveal itself for what it that those held captive in its grasp will REALIZE their captivity...and will begin cry Israel did in Egypt...for the LORD’s Salvation (this is a why the Gospel must go out to all the earth). This is why, once Salvation has been realized by these, they will never let it go...resisting to the point of death if needs be...but NEVER TURNING BACK - because in choosing this, they know they are actually choosing Life:  No one values freedom more than the one who who KNOWS they have been one recognizes true Life more than the one who once was dead.

So when our persecuted brothers and sisters in those dark countries of the world ask us to PRAY, pray, is not so much that the persecution would stop...but that they would stand their ground...that the Lord Yeshua would be glorified through them...that whether in life or in death, a great harvest of souls would be reaped through them. For the day may come when this could be us...

and history shows us:  He is NEVER ever glorified through compromise. Revelation 12:10-11.

Am I ready for persecution…? #John16v33


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