I am weeping and trembling as I write this - and you can call me crazy if you want…but I have seen an end times army marching under Christ, that is powerful…no, invincible…because it consists of whole FAMILIES…with (wherever possible) men at the head. These men were organized…and galvanized. They were dressed for battle and ready to fight…for their families - and specifically, their children.

This is why I fast for families…the heart of God IS family…America has fought so hard for the family: and the Lord knows, I am not ready to be raptured out, leaving families in disarray…fathers estranged for their children…children lost and walking the street. 

But the Lord wants to do something through His Church, that is outside of our box…It will take reconciliation…it will take a miracle…it will take PRAYER

(If anyone feels led to join me PLEASE let me know…I need all the help I can get lol)

#fastforfamily #WatchmanOnTheWall #ArmyOfTheLord

To be continued…

Image from: Shutterstock.com



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