Father, it is the final hour. Let me take NOTHING for granted…but let me look to you for everything, - because this is what YOU want!

But I have to testify of this: the Blood of Jesus has NEVER failed me or my house, throughout this entire crisis. But God forgive me if I ever cease to humble myself and to walk in the fear and reverence of the Lord…if I ever lack the wisdom to seek Him first…if I ever take the mercy he has shown me for granted…if I or a family member ever set foot out of our house without first claiming the Blood. 

Because this is how it has become for us…relying on God for our very survival, on a daily basis. 

This pandemic for us has been a wake up call…that the earth is perishing…and the things of it - that we are not to hold on to or rely on these things…only God and His Kingdom. We owe our very survival to Him! 

Matthew 6:19-34

We are being shaken - our “normals” are being turned upside down - for a reason. And now, in the midst of great darkness, we MUST learn to exercise wisdom in the fear of the Lord.

This means that we can no longer play church - giving to Jesus only part of our lives…when he gave the whole of His Life, for the whole of ours. 

This is why I will continue to cry out 2Chronicles 7:14 and Deuteronomy 8:2-5…for as long as it takes…starting with my own soul…that like our persecuted brothers and sisters dispersed throughout the world, Jesus Christ would be our first…our last…our ONLY resort.

Lord help me to testify, and not to stay silent…because this - and the Blood - is how we overcome! (Revelation 12:11)

#FollowingJesus #2chronicles714



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