Only through genuine humility and repentance

…a turning away from the love of this world…

a laying down of our ministries…names…reputations…favorite preachers…wealth…resources…our very lives

…a tearing down of whatever we have built for ourselves…

forsaking all and turning solely back to God…

Only then, will we be able to overcome this COVID virus…and whatever will come after it.

Luke 9:22-25

This is not on America - her sin has become too great…This is on us, the Church…But when will we learn? - When will the lesson be learned? We cannot overcome the world by joining it.

Forgive me, but, to quote the words of Winston Churchill:  “You cannot reason with a tiger when your head is in its mouth!”…and this exactly where Christian pop culture and church elitism is taking us.

We have to run the other Way…

The only hope for this nation is revival…but the only Way to revival is through repentance and embracing the Cross ✝️. This is how we fight the good fight of faith. Lord make your Bride ready…whatever the cost.




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