Scripture ref: Daniel ch. 3.  *Note vs. 23-27*

China: Communist totalitarian regime; extreme persecution of Christians; 

= 80M - 100M believers and rising

Indonesia: Theocratic Islamic regime; Extreme persecution of Christians;

= 33M believers and rising

Iran:  Theocratic Islamic regime; Extreme persecution of Christians 

= One million plus believers and rising

India: Hindu; Extreme persecution of Christians;

= 66M believers and rising 

The United States of America...?

I saw  what I thought to be an olive, being pressed and squeezed in between two hands…gently at first, then more and more intensely until I saw oil begin to come from the olive. I knew this was the Church.

Still more and more the olive was squeezed, almost to breaking point… And people began to scream - to shout - to cry out to the Lord…but these cries were different - cries like I had never heard before…these were cries that were coming up from a place of pressure.

As the cries reached Heaven, the Lord turned His Head…as if we had suddenly got His attention:

And the conversation I heard, went something like this:

The Lord: “Are you ready for me now?”

The cry from His People: “YES!”

It was from this place of weakness and brokenness that I saw the anointing oil was now flowing freely and unhindered from the Body of Christ…and it was also from this Place that the Bride of Christ began to emerge. The Place where we were, had now become a place of purity and holiness…an aroma of Life in the midst of the stench of death.

And The Lord gave me this scripture - 

“We are hard pressed on every side,but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-12

But…If we want revival, we must want the LORD more than anything else…more than our own lives, we must want Him.

#FollowingJesus #2chronicles714 #ArmyOfTheLord



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