Mount Carmel Part V

Mount Carmel Part V

Video: curtesy of Donne Clement Petruska

 After the last vision, everything became still…and I was taken back to the place where I saw the fire fall on the remnant. (Part III) 

I asked  “What does that really mean…to take up our Cross and follow you?…What does it look like? 

What does a Church that is so unified…so powerful…in the midst of the greatest global revival ever, look like?

Almost immediately {at 15 min 42sec} came the answer the my question:

Kim Clement: “I come to you, with my hands open wide;

There is a sound, that you’ve placed inside;

Like a child…

“I come to you, with my hands open wide;

And I cry to you, 

with the heart of a child…

to be one with you;

“I come to you, with my heart open wide

There’s a sound that I want, that is deep inside

Like a child…

I come to you…” 

And I received these words, from Matthew 18:1-5 - 

“Unless you change utterly, and becomes like little children, you shall not even enter the kingdom of Heaven…”

{At 17min 5sec} Kim begins to play under the anointing, on his keyboard: 

…And I saw in the Body of Christ…

the incredible power and the overwhelming beauty of Humility

I was now looking at a different Church…a Church that was silent and submissive…overwhelmed before the Presence of a Holy God!

It was a fearful and sacred moment: 

{At 17 min 25sec}

Kim Clement: “Take your loved ones by the hand…” and like a child, the Bride of Christ took ahold of the Hand of her Lord…

And from this point…through the Fire…until the end, she will not let go…

From here…from this place, of total humility - refined, to be like little children  - I saw the Lord begin to knit us together…within the Cross!

The music continued…

Barriers between denominations, ethnicity, race and class suddenly become blurred…I saw the Church…we were crucified with Christ…

Generations, old and young, were together…and I remembered  another of Kim’s prophetic revelations, which he would utter 5 years later: ^^

“I’m hearing so many different sounds that I’ve never heard before: the elderly and the amalgamation of the two voices: An old voice and a young voice...And it’s together...there is no age in the sound. It was not wicked- it was beautiful. The hearts of the fathers back to the sons...the Spirit of Elijah, that is coming upon the we have never seen before...!” 

…This is what I heard and saw…I wept as I saw this. We became brothers and sisters in Christ…with no other identity except in Him…and in laying down our own lives, we began to truly unify under His.

“I pray for this within families Lord! Husbands, wives, children…In my own life Lord…let me know nothing except through your Cross!”

Still the music continued…

All eyes were fixed on the Lord…like children…like warriors…like sons and daughters, we the Church, were still and quiet as we allowed our Lord to move within our hearts. All we seemed to know at this point was Christ and Him crucified. …

{At 19min 15sec}

The Revelation of the Cross Confronts the Church …

Kim Clement: 

“I come to You…

with my hands open wide,

Lord I know, You took the wounds for me….


“I come to You…

with my heart open wide;

And I know…that they broke your heart…just for me;


“I come to You…with my hands open wide…Lord I know…you bore marks for me…that I might live…because of You…”


I felt a massive burden** lift from my shoulders…

As if we had let go of everything…

To embrace the Cross of Christ…

Hallelujah! We were brought low…down to our original foundations…!

From here we  found our Unity…

and our identity…

in the Cross…the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ…

The Church was undone…but we were one!

{Then…At 20min 55sec}

Kim Clement 

“God says to you:

          ‘I gave you all…when I sent My Only Son; 

It was all that I had…closest to My heart…

           ‘I gave My Life, when I gave My Only Son; 

And I watched, as they tore Him apart…and I cried…

            ‘I turned away, for that one lonely moment…

when the sins of the world, He took upon Himself…

             ‘And as He died, I could see the joy, in the eyes of everyone, of you who are alive…

that you would praise Him

              ‘There on the cross, My only consolation, 

was I could hear every one of you, lifting up your voice…Praising Him…!’”

There will be revival: It will be birthed through a revelation of the Cross…that will bring forth repentance…that will cut people to the heart…starting with us, His Church.


This is what I saw:

Two extremes, as far from one another as the East from the West, met at the Cross: Our depravity and God’s love for us. And there, the two came together, and were satisfied, through Jesus Christ and His death on the Cross…It was to the place of the Cross, that the Church of Christ had finally returned…

and it was through the foundations of the Cross, that the Church was being unified. 

The revival that I saw, was not being spearheaded by miraculous signs and wonders…although I am in no doubt that they were a part of it: 

The revival I saw, was being spearheaded by Repentance!…

And it was through repentance and the offense of the Cross, that masses of people from the nations were streaming into the Kingdom. 

But the Church must lead the way!

If there is no understanding of sin and repentance within the Body of Christ, how can there ever be, outside of it?

Back to 2Chronicles 7:14:

This was a revival where God was using the very humblest of the humble…just as Jesus Christ Himself - the Word made flesh “like a tender shoot…a root out of dry ground, 

had no beauty or majesty… 

nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him. (Isaiah 53:1-3)

So it will be with the true sons and daughters of God in this final hour.

**The burden…

The pressure being put on the Church at this hour: 

for self actualization and achievement…forced, manufactured revival…prosperity, power, PRIDE !

^^Link: Kim Clement prophesy 2013


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