
America’s Most Dangerous Export

I saw a swamp of deception: It reminded me Jesus’s temptation in the wilderness - the place where satan would try to force God’s hand: to Prove himself as the Messiah of the second coming (Revelation 19:11-22) - before He had fulfilled the first (it is finished) - the Salvation of the world.  The same thing is happening today: People are chasing the glory of the second coming - without embracing the Cross (the penitence) of the first.  I appealed to the Lord “It seems that so many of us don’t want to Repent - we want to ‘party’…We don’t want to lament and fast - we want to feast and celebrate…And it seems we will follow any TV/internet personality who will give us what we want. But surely repentance is the ONLY way we will see revival. We even seem to have our own plan as to what revival will look like. Big gatherings - big platforms - Even our revival meetings seem to be about us…how is God going to use US: Does God exist for us? - or do we exist for God? Dominionism  says “ we must t

The Apostle

Jan 5 2021 The role of a functioning Apostle… In it’s truest and most literal sense, one who is “Sent” by the Lord…For what purpose? The Bible clearly shows us, for the purpose of delivering the Gospel to a people who have not yet heard, with signs and wonders accompanying; leading to the planting and overseeing of churches. (I have seen this for myself as a missionary to Kenya and I know it to be true) The Lord will always watch over the truth of His Word to perform it. (Jer. 1:12) The first Apostles, having seen Jesus face to face (1Cor9:1), were the very first to do this, paving the way, in life and in death, for other missionaries (or “lesser apostles”, if you like) to follow in their footsteps: Some were given the privilege of writing, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit the (closed cannon) New Testament. As Jesus’s first followers, this was their right and their privilege: to suffer and to die for Him and with Him (Gal.2:20) The heart of an Apostle… 2Cor11:23-29 “Are they se
 Col1:24 Now I rejoice in my sufferings for your sake, and in my flesh I am filling up what is lacking in Christ's afflictions for the sake of his body, that is, the church... Justification for the church is a done deal: It was finished for us at the point when Jesus said so on the cross (John19:28-30). However... Sanctification for the Church is an ongoing process: see Romans6:4; Gal 2:20; Col 2:11-15. This is why Christ’s sufferings for his Church continues through us, His Body (Col 1:24) We, like the Apostle Paul, must follow Him through death, burial and finally, into resurrection (1Peter2:21-23). And just as when He had finished the work, Jesus sat down at the right hand of God (Hebrews 10:12), we who are in Him...who follow in His footsteps...who walk in His shadow...will also go from strength to strength until we each appear before God in Zion (Ps84:5-7). We know this because He said so...“To the one who overcomes, I will grant the right to sit with Me on My throne, just as

Mount Carmel Part V

Mount Carmel Part V Video: curtesy of Donne Clement Petruska   After the last vision, everything became still…and I was taken back to the place where I saw the fire fall on the remnant. (Part III)   I asked  “What does that really mean…to take up our Cross and follow you?…What does it look like?  What does a Church that is so unified…so powerful…in the midst of the greatest global revival ever, look like? Almost immediately {at 15 min 42sec} came the answer the my question: Kim Clement: “I come to you, with my hands open wide; There is a sound, that you’ve placed inside; Like a child… “I come to you, with my hands open wide; And I cry to you,  with the heart of a child… to be one with you; “I come to you, with my heart open wide There’s a sound that I want, that is deep inside Like a child… I come to you…”  And I received these words, from Matthew 18:1-5 -  “Unless you change utterly, and becomes like little children, you shall not even enter the kingdom of Heaven…” {At 17min 5sec} Ki

Kim Clement ~ Part II

Video: curtesy of Donne Clement Petruska Part II      “Fast For Family” Excerpt f rom a f/b post dated 07/03/21 …And then I went to a baseball game…and watched scores of children running the bases, curtesy of the Bowling Green Hotrods. Children from around 12 to as young as 2 years old began to deeply stir my heart. They ran hard…they ran well… Tears began to fill my eyes as I watched moms running with their children…dads picking up their smallest ones and carrying them, proudly and with great resolve, across the home plate… Older siblings helping their younger ones…whole families “running the race” and entering in together.  And I saw through the eyes of the Lord… I saw revival.  As I stood shaking at the top of the bleachers…trying to hold myself together around several hundred people, I was reminded by the Lord of my Fast For Family… And I realized why and what it is that we are fighting for in this nation…what is God’s heart and soul towards America really…?  It is Family  Excerpt

Part IV The Church Resurrected

  Part IV The Rain…The Church Resurrected   {At 12min 15sec}  I saw the heavens begin opening…the rains began to fall: And it was as if I also saw tombs opening up: We arose up from the ground…We came up, as if, from out of a tomb. {At 12min 26sec} I watched as whole families were taken up and like lightning, disappeared into the Body of Christ...nameless and faceless...each part began to immediately function as one... taking a unique place...I saw as if a natural body, organs, muscles, bone...we all had a place, and like lightning, with extreme order and precision (like an Army) we all took it…through the Fire, we had learned how to kneel. I did not see the Lord - only his feet: But at his appearance the entire Remnant Army, as one man, fell on their faces and began to worship the Lord - with a sound of unity that made the ground beneath them shake. Kim Clement: “PRAY!” We stood up in Christ… {At 13min 18sec} The church stood on her feet - a mighty army. She was a warrior bride… men,

The Crucifixion

  Part III   The Fire…The Church Crucified   {At 10min 24sec} The tone…the chords of Kim’s keyboard seemed to change: I saw Fire…I felt heat…And I saw the Church…with her back against the wall… and her heart against the Cross… she began to cry out to God:  Not cries as we have done before, but these were cries of absolute desperation: An awakening…to realize that it is either Jesus Christ or nothing at all.  I heard grandparents praying for children…tears flowed like a river, from years and years of prayer…Upon the altar, years and years of prayers came up as incense before the Lord, spanning decades.  Men..fathers...grandfathers...husbands crying out to God...and the smoke of the incense was filling the throne room: Around the Cross were scores of people: Men especially, seemed to come from everywhere…some running, some bent almost double with weeping…some were crouched over as if covering their families: Whole families were embracing the Cross…in the midst of the Fire…together! I saw